Ahhh, that Sunday kind of love. Who doesn't love curling up in the sheets, sleeping in and lounging until lunchtime. But even when you don't have time to spend hours hitting the snooze button, Suissly's designs are sure to leave you feeling well rested on those early mornings. Suissly is brand new startup located in Santa Barbara that designs, manufactures and sells bedding products online right to consumers.
The initial set of products consists of mattress, pillows and sheets that ship, free of charge, in a box directly to your home. Guess what? You can even try all Suissly products for 100 nights and return them if you don’t like them. This lovely group spent a fun day at The Narrative shooting for their brand and webpage launch on August 1. Stay tuned!! Shout out to photographer Matt Perko who creates stunning portrait and music photography when he isn't working on projects like Suissly. Local agency Hello Gorgeous Models provided some beautiful models to bring Suissly's products to life!