"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away, and away means forgetting."
- Peter Pan
Goodbyes are always tough and Senior Prom is one of the most notable goodbyes for a group of friends before heading off to college. This weekend, the Laguna Blanca School celebrated their graduates in our event space, hosting their annual Senior Prom! Students and staff joined together for a special night in Neverland.
The Narrative transformed into Peter Pan's Oasis for a night of dancing, fun, and memories. Whites and shades of green combined perfectly for this Neverland escape. Walls of greenery lined the outside of our event space, creating a mystical ambiance for guests to start their adventure. The greenery, as well as beautiful accent furniture that studded our event space, are all the masterpieces of Town & Country rentals. Draping and lighting from Music, Memories, and More also did wonders in creating this fairytale night. In combination with all of these décor elements, staff from Laguna Blanca brought their own personal touches to this creation, with accents, from decorating the staircase to perfect details like plants and lights. Special guest Tinkerbell also enjoyed the celebration, zipping across our walls!
With our creative space transformed, there was nothing stopping this group from having a blast! Taking on the role as pirate Captain Hook, DJ Don Henry got everyone in the mood to groove with some tunes to kick off the night. They couldn't help but take some dance breaks for the yummy treats... cupcakes and charcuterie galore, guests enjoyed the creations of a Laguna Blanca parent!
As Peter Pan said, this night was not a goodbye for this class, but a great memory to have forever. Congratulations to the Laguna Blanca School class of 2018, we wish you all the best in your next adventure!
What an entrance!
Great combinations of shades.
So many delicious snacks!
The graduates enjoying the dance floor.