With so much beauty surrounding us in Santa Barbara, it is to no surprise that many young artists are inspired here. Last night, two artists showcased their talents for their senior projects at Laguna Blanca School. Up and coming artist, Conor Scheinberg, wowed the crowd visually, while Aidan O'Donnell and his band, Cows Cabbage, rocked the house with some tunes,
As an artist, Conor considers himself an abstract expressionist and looks to everything around him for inspiration. Next year, he plans to continue his art at Bard College in New York. The multimedia event included pieces by Conor himself, as well as the works of artist Harrison Gilman. For the past four years, Harrison attended New York University and now plans to take his art to Los Angles to show his work in galleries, as well as continue his career on the East Coast. Their pieces lined the walls and brought so much passion and life inside of our event space.
Viewers fill our creative space to check out the works of these talented artists. While enjoying the pieces, guests enjoyed live music from two local bands. Goldy kicked off the night with some of their original content. Next on the stage, Cows Cabbage created some rock beats for everyone to enjoy. Friends, family, and the Laguna Blanca community stood amazed at the genius of all these individuals. Congratulations to all of these artists for their immense skill, and to Conor for planning an incredible event!
Some of the beautiful works.
Conor alongside some special guests, including Laguna Blanca Principal, Lolli Lucas.
Artist Harrison Gilman in front of his pieces.
So much talent from Goldy!