Sarah, our Event Director extraordinaire is the newest member of our team. We are so happy she's on our crew...and our clients are even happier!
I sat down with Sarah for a quick Q&A:
How did you end up in Santa Barbara?
I grew up in Camarillo, but was always here in Santa Barbara for tennis tournaments and its my mom's favorite place. I went to college for tennis up in Sonoma, but was unhappy so I transferred to UCSB. I'm so happy I did, I love it here!
What do you love about SB?
I'm never bored, there is always somewhere to go and something to do. It's a small community with awesome restaurants, wineries, breweries and of course mountains that I enjoy exploring!
Morning or night person?
I love both, but I'd have to say a morning person. I like be able to get a lot done in a day and don't mind getting up a bit early, and I'm usually not too cranky.
What are five things you can't live without?
The beach, my family, chocolate, exercise/being active, and coffee.
What cheers you up on a bad day?
Doing something cozy at home. Cuddling up and watching a good movie is always good therapy!
What was the last flick you watched?
I just saw The Avengers! I love all of the Marvel and superhero films.
Favorite superhero?
Batman, well Christian Bale as Batman.
Favorite place you've visited?
Ireland, hands down. The people are so friendly and the countryside is gorgeous...sheep everywhere! Also the live, authentic Irish music in a town called Doolin was incredible.
Sarah braving the Cliffs of Moher!
Hiking in Connemara, Ireland.
If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Travel more!
Do you have a hobby?
My boyfriend just introduced me to frisbee golf, its ma' thang!
Any near death experiences?
Well my boyfriend once took me skydiving as a surprise, it was terrifying and amazing all at once! Also, when I was 12 I was jet-skiing on the Colorado River, a metal sign gave me five stitches in my forehead.
Sarah on a surprise skydiving adventure.
Who is one of your favorite people?
My sister. When she was little, she had a big temper. I would make her really angry on purpose because she was so cute when she got upset!
Sarah and her younger sister on vacation.
Thank you Sarah for the Q&A! Welcome aboard!