If you've taken a peek at The Narrative's blog lately, you've been reading my fingers typing on a keyboard. I felt the need to introduce myself as I've taken over the airwaves of social media with everything that goes on in this space I call home (well home away from home.)
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Howard Thurman
I come alive when I'm making and moving. Creating and cultivating. Grooving and growing! I am happiest when I am out outside on an adventure. Photographer, hiker, runner, and pathetic attempter of rock climbing. I am most peaceful when I am getting cozy at home with a book, crafty with some paintbrushes or just talking with my zucchini plants. I am zaniest when I'm running wild. Dancing, laughing, discovering myself and this big blue marble we all call home! I am a lover of all creatures, especially a Husky named Freyja and a Kelpie named Sage.
The desert holds my heart, the ocean carries my soul and the mountains occupy my mind. My name's Jenny, thanks for tuning into The Narrative Loft's blog. Don't worry it won't be the last time you hear from me!
Conquering mountains? Getting there.
Come on Sage, you know how much you love me!
Freyja looking regal like always.
Me with my better half. Being dead isn't so bad, what's everyone so afraid of!
I like painting my face, if you couldn't tell.