threshold: (n.) any place or point of entering or beginning
We make it over many thresholds through out our lives. From birth we enter this world, embarking upon a journey of self discovery. When we break down a barrier within ourselves, we enter a threshold of self-love. When we experience something new outside our blanket of comfort, we enter a threshold of self-trust. When we let go of things that are holding us back, we enter a threshold of self-respect. We constantly peel away facades, inching closer and closer to finding ourselves.
When we create we embark on true self-exploration! Santa Barbara artist, costume designer, SoulCollage© facilitator and creativity catalyst coach Kirsten Gold is all about reaching these new facets of yourself through creativity. Her pop-up art gallery called Thresholds: A Woman Birthing Herself was an interactive and engaging event. Her work features gorgeously crafted collages and mixed media creations, pieces and parts of art that have been recycled into new artwork at the helm of her loving hands. It was a joy to get a glimpse of her creative journey to this exhibit, as she had a pamphlet with her reflections and wonderings on each piece. There was even a craft table with glue sticks, magazines and scissors, for guests to conceive their own creative breakthroughs. Bravo Kirsten on this magical exhibit! And a shout out to Spark Creative Events for contributing the beautiful lighting.
The artist reflecting on a great show!
"Emerging into a new world, my wings are real! The back of my heart knows of beauty without seeing it like a rose knows of her own bouquet."-Kirsten What are you morphing into?
The Narrative transformed into the perfect space for this unique event.
The loft looked fantastic with all of Kirsten's pieces displayed!
Friends mingled around the studio enjoying the artwork.