Program Director, Erin Low has helped pave the way for the reach and impact Foundation Training has had on transforming minds, bodies and lives since 2012, when Foundation Training started having trainer certifications.
A devoted wife and loving mom to two young kids and a new puppy, aptly named Sunny as she is the sunshine of their household. She loves being active especially outside, running and hiking with her friends and family, in the words of Erin, "normal human stuff." One of her passions is to develop the Foundation Training Women's Health Program. The idea behind it being an educational video program, online network and community to keep women healthy and strong without surgery and invasive medicine.
With years of experience in the health and wellness world, from instructing pilates to managing health clubs, Erin became a perfect addition to the burgeoning crew of Foundation Training. As program director she has helped develop the instructional training curriculum and been instrumental in managing the FT team. In recent years, Foundation Training has exploded in recognition and gained quite a following. A well deserved one too, as the team has a wealth of knowledge that would be a shame not to share! This exceptional woman has been a crucial piece of Foundation's evolution. Her favorite part about being involved with Foundation is the beautiful community of diverse individuals from all walks of life that come together organically through the common thread of health and well being.
Erin demonstrating powerful positions from Foundation Training's set of exercises.
From pilates instructor to master instructor of Foundation Training.
The loves of Erin's life. The only thing missing is their mini Golden Retriever mix, Sunny.