““Transformation elevates us all. It changes our sense of ourselves, our perceived limitations and expands our view of the world. Transforming ourselves transforms those around us. Life becomes more.””
Chad, Master Trainer with Foundation Training has spent the majority of his life exploring health, movement, and wellness. Foundation Training is a transformative exercise program designed to strengthen and get people out of pain. Chad attended the second Foundation Training trainer certification ever and just couldn't stay away. With his wealth of knowledge and over 20 years of experience he became a perfect fit with the burgeoning Foundation crew. He helped the trainers discover and develop a way of learning that focuses on teaching Foundation Training by showing people how to teach it rather than just how to do it.
Not only does he bring his expertise and wonderful communication skills to Foundation Training, he has created a transformation program of his own. The brick and mortar kind. The Xcceleration Station (T-X-S) where he is the owner, facilitator, practitioner, specialist, coach, and teacher. It sparked from a moment of inspiration as a way to articulate all the things he has learned through his life and the culmination of tools in his toolbox. He stands behind the idea of transformation from an empowered starting point, where nothing is wrong. Come as you are, everyBODY's unique genius is not only embraced but celebrated. The most rewarding aspect of his work is seeing the catalytic effect it has on people's lives. The ripple effect. The domino effect. Whatever you want to call it. When people make changes in their lives it has an infinite impact on the people close to them. When his clients expand, Chad expands.
When Chad is not traveling around the country to attend trainer certifications or at The Xcceleration Station in West Hollywood, you can find him gracefully working his way up and down a pole. For fitness of course! With movement being so important to him, the pole has become his sanctuary. To him dancing and movement is what this life is about and after all life, is a DANCE!
Chad moving with effortless style and grace.
Chad in action! Instructing at Foundation Training's most recent certification here.
Chad the animal whisperer playing with The Narrative Loft's resident puppy, Mai'a.