A HUGE 240 STUDIO welcome to our newest intern, Brooke!

Hi my name is Brooke and I am the new 240 STUDIO intern.  I love the outdoors and was fortunate to grow up in a beautiful, small town called Sonora in Northern California.

I’m currently a junior at UCSB and a former member of their women’s water polo team.  I recently left the world of water polo, and now yoga and anything to do with the ocean have become my biggest passions.  I’ve always wanted to learn to surf and would be stoked to have 240’s Chris Orwig give me a lesson or two (hint, hint).

When I’m not floating around in the ocean I eat lemons.  I know it sounds strange but lemons are my favorite food in the entire world! Lemon bars, lemon juice, lemon gelato, or just peeled like an orange. I really like lemons.

I am so excited to have the opportunity to be apart of the 240 team, their fun spirits and teamwork create such an amazing environment (along with the fact that there are 12 tubs of ice cream in the freezer)!

Stay tuned for more from me….!

Happy 30th Birthday, Dan!

240 STUDIO is THE place to party!  Marissa Eisengart and her husband, Dan joined us for a rockin 30th birthday party that lasted until the wee hours. Their magical party assistants arrived early and decorated the studio with cocktail tables, colorful paper lanterns and a delicious Sundae bar complete with surfer-themed toppings! 

Marissa, Dan and their fabulous guests partied the night away while taking fantastic pictures with the countless studio props.  Dan rang in his 30th birthday in style and has the pictures to prove it!   

If you are looking for a fun space for your next event, come check out 240 STUDIO!


240 STUDIO Welcomes Foundation Training!

Dr. Eric Goodman and his skilled staff of Trainers came to 240 STUDIO for a whirlwind 3-day photo shoot.  We laughed, we stretched and we sat in Giant chairs.  The Giant chair thing is not related to Foundation Training’s philosophy of “changing what was believed to be proper human movement”, but it was fun nonetheless. 

Foundation Training, an innovative approach to human performance and movement, was created by Chief Imagineer, Dr. Eric Goodman while he was a chiropractic student.  His colorful title is definitely indicative of his positive energy and creative spirit

We were able to get fantastic shots of Eric and his amazing team and (Bonus!) captured a couple shirtless beefcake shots for good measure.


Check out more on Foundation Training and their incredibly talented team atwww.foundationtraining.com

Chris Orwig is the new addition to 240 STUDIO!

240 STUDIO is very excited to announce the addition of Chris Orwig to our team! 

Chris is an accomplished photographer, writer and teacher who lends his talents to educate students at Brooks Institute and Lynda.com on photography and digital imaging.  

Chris and his studio manager, Shaun have been busy painting and styling their office at 240 STUDIO and they don’t seem to mind the 4-legged friends who prefer to nap in the doorway just as they are moving heavy equipment into the office.

We are looking forward to this partnership with Chris and are ecstatic to have his energy and creativity at 240 STUDIO!

Please visit Chris’ website to view his photography, read about his 5 best-selling books and to learn more about his sources of incredible inspiration! 


To find out more about Shaun: www.shaunwalton.com

Joni Lynn Photography Shoots at Persona Pizzeria!

Persona Neapolitan Pizzeria, a new downtown Santa Barbara Pizzeria, is spreading cheesy goodness throughout the city and reached out to Photographer, Joni DeLuccio to grab a slice of the action.

Persona Pizza - Joni.jpg

Joni enlisted the help of Michelle Lee, and together they captured piping-hot plates of melty, spicy deliciousness, which is sure to become your guiltiest pleasure.  

They came, they shot, they climbed chairs/tables/ladder, they high-fived guests and they ate a lot of Pizza.

Persona owner, Joe Baumel was pleased with the process.  "Joni does a fantastic job and she is a lot of fun to work with.  I would highly recommend her".  

Michelle and Joni are part of the 240 STUDIO creative team and their work is beyond awesome!

Bon Voyage Jess!

We are sad to see Jess, our intern extraordinaire leave us, but excited for her upcoming adventure to the Land Down Under!

In addition to gracing us with her amazingly stylish fashion sense, Jess did a great job maintaining our 240 STUDIO photo blog and social media outlets, and will be sorely missed.

But the exciting news is that she's on her way to explore Australia......and hopefully bring us back a koala bear (hint, hint.)

Thanks for all your hard work, Jess!!

Have an amazing adventure and keep us posted along the way.....(and don't forget the koala bear.)

New Social Media Workshop Series with Social Status Media!

The doors at 240 STUDIO are almost always bursting at the seams with creative and energetic ideas.  Some come to fruition and others end up on the cutting room floor.  One innovative idea, created by Alisa Wilcox, owner of Social Status Media (240's go-to Social Media experts), went into action this week and found its audience with local Santa Barbara business owners.  


Social Status Media is a Santa Barbara Social Media Management firm that has recently implemented a training division to help business owners sift through the ever-changing rules and endless strategies of Social Media Marketing.  

The workshop was held at Workzones, a co-working space that houses an extensive group of entrepreneurial wizards and small businesses in need of a productive environment, weekly birthday celebrations and, quite possibly, the most impressive coffee machine known to man.

The course covered the Basics and Best Practices of using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to connect with new customers.  Students learned tips and tricks and then put their skills into action with creative posts and impromptu photo sessions.   At the request of attendees and many who could not attend, this workshop will be repeated.  

Alisa has a staff of Social Media wizards who execute Social Media Strategies with precision and speed.  The Social Status Media Director of Barketing, Baxter Wilcox, keeps spirits and productivity up with his waggily tail and infectious smile.    

Please contact Alisa Wilcox for more info on the Workshop Series at Alisa.Wilcox@SocialStatusMedia.com!  

Joshua Roman at 240

240 STUDIO is proud to host the Music Academy of the West's inaugural Academy Alumnus in Residence, Joshua Roman.

The San Francisco Chronicle writes about Joshua Roman- “A cellist of extraordinary technical and musical gifts"...and we couldn't have said it better ourselves. In addition to being an exquisite cellist, Joshua is about as warm and friendly as they come and we were honored to have his music and wonderful energy fill the studio.

We caught him as he warmed up before his performance...

And again as he played to a sold out crowd...

The Music Academy did a fantastic job of creating the perfect intimate environment for Joshua's solo concert at 240 STUDIO and Bella Vista Designs created the perfect ambiance with their lighting expertise. Thank you Joshua, you are welcome back anytime! Thank you to the Music Academy for making this happen- you folks are wonderful!

Check out Joshua at www.joshuaroman.com

To find out what's happening at the Music Academy of the West at www.musicacademy.org

Here's to life, love and the pursuit of beautiful music!!

Meet Joni Lynn

Today my topic is Joni Lynn DeLuccio, our 240 STUDIO manager. Joni is a huge asset to 240, whether she's contributing her creative and unique ideas or introducing and welcoming clients to the space. Joni is always a pleasure to be around- unless you're in her reserved parking spot- and240 STUDIO is lucky to have her! 

Jess: Would you share a bit about yourself?

Joni: I graduated from the prestigious Brooks Institute of Photography and mostly specialize in weddings, children, and maternity photography. Although these are my main focuses, I am always up for a new challenge. I love adventure, travel and experiencing new things. I get that with each and every new client. I never know what exactly I am going to get, but I have to make it amazing every time. The last big adventure I went on I was driving through Italy in my vintage Fiat while on a cooking tour with my mom, I love cooking. I love throwing things in a pot and making something nourishing and delicious that I can share. I am a five year old at heart, I love rolling around on the grass just like a kid. I recently became engaged, and am busy planning the wedding of my dreams... and yes, there will be plenty of cake. 

Jess: When did you become interested in photography?

Joni: Always. I think that's a typical photographers answer, but it's true. I've always loved capturing moments and helping people, and I think that photography is a way to blend both those things. Growing up in the mountains there were a lot of fires. Something that struck me is I noticed whenever people had to leave their homes, photos were one of the first things they grabbed. I realized I wanted to be able to give that gift to people, something they can cherish forever. 

Jess: What originally brought you to 240 STUDIO?

Joni: While shooting at 240 STUDIO with Due Maternity, an online maternity clothing company, I developed a friendship with the previous owner and later on became his assistant. When Michelle took over, he introduced the two of us and we have been great friends ever since. Shortly afterwards, Michelle offered me the position of studio manager. I am really excited about the opportunity and Michelle's ideas to make 240 STUDIO a thriving creative space.  

Jess: What are some of the hats you wear at 240 STUDIO?

Joni: Well, right now I wear the wedding veil. Usually my role is to help grow the business and coordinate rentals, while hopefully shooting as well. Therapy sessions on the couch are also a specialty of mine. Most of all, I love making the studio look great and coming up with new ideas and ways to use the space.  

Jess: What do you like to do in your free time in SB?

Joni: I enjoy pretty much anything outdoors. I love (mini) road trips, hiking, sitting at the beach, and hanging out with friends. The awesome thing about Santa Barbara is that you can have a good time doing anything because it is such a beautiful place. We live where people hope to vacation. 

To see more of Joni's work, check out her website!  www.jonilynnphoto.com

And if you would like to have a photoshoot in an amazing space with great people, 240 STUDIO is here for you! Set up a day to come in, check out the space and meet the staff! 

Like us on Facebook and Instagram for my frequent updates!

Thanks for reading.

Your intern extraordinaire,


Keeping it Cool at 240

Ahh, there is nothing better than walking into a cool studio on a hot summer day in Santa Barbara!240 STUDIO is undertaking more restoration as All Weather, Inc. installs the all mighty air conditioner. It has been a loud, messy, and busy week but will surely pay off once we get that cool air flowing!

While the men from All Weather, Inc. were working on the roof this morning, I took the opportunity to mess around with some of the equipment in hopes to get some cool shots out of it. (Uhm what?.. Messing with equipment? Not me, no way...)

I was pleased with how the photos turned out, and find it fascinating when people are able to recognize beauty in the simple things in life, such as a few A/C vents. 

I want to make a shout out to Sue Van Horsen, an exceptionally creative artist who has a knack for finding beauty in things that others would not notice. This piece (below), is one of my favorites of hers. This is a great example of beautiful art that was created out of not much more than a few metal scraps and a wild imagination. You are a truly inspiring person, Sue!

Thank you All Weather, Inc. and crew! We are ecstatic to have a cool breeze through the studio.


Thanks for reading! Like 240 STUDIO on Facebook and Instagram for more updates!

Until next time~ 

Your intern extraordinaire, 


240 STUDIO Gets a Face Lift!

240 STUDIO is now in it's prime after a week of full on restoration. As we all know; hard work leads to necessary spa days. Now that she's all primed and pampered, the studio is ready to flaunt what she got to some cute artists. 

Joni Lynn dedicated her hard earned weekend to painting the studio walls (along with a few spots on the carpet) a radiant bright blue. Thank you Joni!!

The color POPS right when you walks through the front door, and only gets better as you head upstairs and notice the contrasting mahogany ceilings. 

 Matt Brewster and Darren Mclain installed black out blinds on all the studio windows. From luminous natural lighting, to complete darkness; 240 STUDIO is pleased to offer our clients a wide variety of lighting options. 

In the words of a wise plastic surgeon, serious improvements can be risky. Thanks Matt for risking your life for the studio- your courage took our breath away! 

240 STUDIO is so grateful for everybodys help over the weekend. We couldn't have done it without you guys! 

Thanks for reading! Follow 240 STUDIO on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more frequent updates!

Until next week~

Your intern extraordinaire,


240 things we LOVE about 240

Ahh 240 STUDIO, how I love you. Everything from the dramatic tall ceilings to the shimmering hardwood floors make 240 STUDIO an ideal atmosphere for any creative mind. Such a beautiful place ought to be noticed, so I have taken on the endeavor to post each day, for 240 days, a single thing that I love about 240 STUDIO.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter to see what makes 240 STUDIO special!

Your intern extraordinaire,


Sue Ain't Horsen Around

Hello there friends!

I trust everyone had a wonderful Solstice Weekend?

Santa Barbara is so lively this time of year, with all the art and dance shared throughout the community- it's hard to imagine a better place to celebrate the longest day of the year!

With Solstice weekend behind me and a work week in front of me, I was glad to enter 240 STUDIOthis morning and find beautiful artwork displayed in the entrance. Lucky for me, Santa Barbara is a 24/7 all-you-can-eat buffet for fascinating people, beautiful sights, and wonderful stories. And 240 STUDIO is my plate. 


My hot topic today is Sue Van Horsen, a local artist whose art is currently being displayed in 240 STUDIO. Sue's creative use of materials like rusted door plates and old machine parts is fascinating, because she sees art in things that many people overlook and consider to be flawed or imperfect. The authenticity behind Sues art lies within the gift she has to recognize beauty in everything.


240 STUDIO will be displaying a different artists work every month in the entryway. We truly look forward to meeting local artists and having their masterpieces up at the studio for us to appreciate every day! 

Sue's art will be displayed in 240 STUDIO until the end of July, and she is also displaying her work at the Santa Barbara Art Fund during June 29-August 10 for the Specimen show, which focuses on objects of curiousity. If you like your mind to be challenged, Sue's art and many others displayed in the Specimen show might just be your cup of tea. Sue's art can also be found on her wesbite: www.suevanhorsen.com.

Until next week~

Your intern extraordinaire,


240 STUDIO...Ready for Action!

I'm happy to announce that Michelle Lee is the new owner of 240 STUDIO in Santa Barbara!



Originally from Hawaii, Michelle's passion for photography took her to San Francisco where she captured the special bond between pets and their people through her business, Pets In Focus.



In addition to her photography, Michelle looks forward to introducing the Santa Barbara community to 240 STUDIO. She is excited to bring in fresh ideas and utilize the space as much more than a photography studio, by giving back to our beloved Santa Barbara through community events. She loves helping people and one of the ways she aims to accomplish this is by providing opportunities for local artists.


Joni-Lynn, aka Multi-Tasker Extraordinaire, is taking on the role of our new 240 STUDIOmanager! In addition to providing the studio with kick-ass organization skills, and countless ideas for us to explore; Joni-Lynn is a talented wedding, maternity, and family portrait photographer.

Gypsy dog, aka four legged vacuum, is our studio mascot. There's never a shortage of puppy kisses at 240 STUDIO!

Toadally fun shoot

After a week of waking up at the crack of dawn to coffee and bagels, beeping cameras, and half naked male models (NOT complaining) it is time for 240 STUDIO to part ways with Horny Toad and look forward to another shoot in the future!

Horny Toad makes a majority of their clothing with sustainable fibers and recycled poly, so their clothes have a very comfortable and simple feel. I know what you're thinking- Fashion AND comfort? No way. Too good to be true. I have been long searching for a clothing company that could look and feel good wearing.. Us true fashionistas understand the importance of both. And now I've finally found my source! Seems that hosting Horny Toads' shoot at 240 STUDIO may just end up draining my wallet...


It was great to have such talented photographers capturing the essence of the clothing line, Lee Webb and Nick Savoy. Taking a great shot is one thing, but keeping models chipper through about 4000 frames in five days is a lot of work. Both Lee and Nick did a great job throughout the week and we loved having their good vibes in the studio!


While the models were getting primped and pampered, Lee the photographer made sure to keep himself looking toned as well. As the studio intern, it was a bit intimidating at times to be surrounded by such stunning people, (especially the shirtless studs..) but their warm and engaging personalities made them very comfortable to talk to. 

The crew we got to work with from Horny Toad are as unpretentious and fun as their clothing line! They're great people and their passion shines through their personalities and business practices. To find out more, check out their website: www.hornytoad.com

Until next week~

Your intern extraordinaire, Jess.

240STUDIO + Mentor Worldwide = BFF

We are at that stage in the production process where pre-production is coming to a close and the first call time is just around the corner. It's exciting! So we thought we'd share this little composite of our crew from the last Mentor shoot. We are thrilled to be working on another lifestyle shoot with Mentor Worldwide. By the end of the last one we were all feeling a little giddy and decided to gather the crew on the beach for a group shot. I think we successfully captured the essence of our three days together. Stay tuned for another fun end-of-shoot crew shot after this one!

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year at 240

The holidays are upon us... and so are the holiday parties! As you know, 240's alter ego is "event venue" and we are very excited to be hosting several holiday parties this year. Christmas lights against the warm woodwork in this studio give it a magical glow - perfect for getting in the holiday spirit. Add a little music and the scent of eggnog and baked goods and you will seriously forget that it's 70 degrees outside and there isn't a snowflake in sight.

The Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce has been incredibly helpful to our growing business, so when they approached us about throwing a holiday party for their loyal advertisers at our studio, of course we were thrilled! While the theme is Holiday Cheer, the party will also be celebrating the release of the 2012 Membership Directory - a must-have business resource.

We hope to see all you smart advertisers here on DECEMBER 1ST! (Preferably with bells on)




Rob Lowe Shoots promos for CMT's Artist of the Year Awards at 240Studio

Rob Lowe recently appeared as host this year's Artist of the Year Awards on CMT.

We had the honor of meeting Rob and the CMT crew a month ago when they booked 240Studio to shoot the TV spots and promo stills for the Artist of the Year Awards. It was an exciting day to have an actor of such caliber grace us with his presence. To be quite honest we were expecting a long list of special requests before he arrived. We've heard of celebrities demanding a room be filled with 234 white, vanilla scented candles before they enter it or requesting a rare and specific type of bottled water be on-hand at all times and exactly 78° F. But, celebrity stereotypes be damned! Rob is a regular dude...who just happens to be incredibly handsome, a super charismatic person and a great actor. There is one celebrity stereotype that even he cannot avoid, however. Fully grown women (and men for that matter) turn into giggling little girls when he enters the room. All-in-all though, Rob Lowe is a down-to-earth guy, which we should have guessed based on the fact that he chooses to live here in Santa Barbara instead of Hollywood. We hope Rob finds it in his easy-going heart to demand that all his future gigs be shot at 240Studio!

Here's a link to the official photos shot by Sam Jones, used to promote the show.